Lightning Protection Institute (LPI) The Lightning Protection Institute is a nationwide not-for-profit organization whose members are dedicated to ensuring that people and structures are protected from the harmful effects of lightning. LPI offers a variety of membership opportunities and certification programs for lightning protection.
» www.lightning.org

National Weather Service Lightning Safety
» www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov

Federal Alliance for Safe Homes is a non-profit Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH®) is the country’s leading consumer advocate for strengthening homes and safeguarding families from natural and manmade disasters.
» www.flash.org

Building Lightning Safe Communities is a a partnership campaign helping to provide lightning protection services to keep at-risk structures and occupants safe from nature's destructive hazard.
» www.lightningsafe.org

AIA Continuing Education System The Lightning Safety Alliance is a Registered Provider with the American Institute of Architects Continuing Education System. More than 30 LSA members are trained and authorized to present our continuing education program.
» www.aia.org/ces_default

Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) has been testing and certifying lightning protection equipment since 1908. UL issues certificates of conformance for systems, inspecting system components and checking completed installations. Installations are required to comply with UL's internationally recognized Standards for lightning protection systems. Manufacturers, suppliers and installers demonstrate their commitment to safety by building, selling and installing only those lightning protection products that pass UL's rigorous testing.
» www.ul.com/lightning

Vaisala U.S. National Lightning Detection Network is the leading lightning information system tracking cloud-to-ground lightning activity across the continental United States 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Vaisala Thunderstorm Information System is a pioneering, modular lightning detection system designed to meet the customer's total lightning and cloud-to-ground lightning needs. The system integrates detection technologies into flexible sensor modules that use a single, universal platform.
» www.vaisala.com

Vaisala Lightning Explorer displays recent lightning activity across the continental U.S. The lightning data displayed is 30 minutes delayed and fresh data is then available every 30 minutes. Get the latest map available by clicking the "Refresh" next to the map. The map shows a 2-hour time period with lightning data color coded in 20-minute increments.
» https://thunderstorm.vaisala.com/tux/jsp/explorer/explorer.jsp

The International Center for Lightning Research and Testing (ICLRT)
Camp Blanding, Florida
The Center occupies over 100 acres at Camp Blanding, about 45 km north-east of Gainesville, Florida. Airspace is controlled at Camp Blanding so that lightning initiation from overhead thunderclouds using the rocker-and-wire technique can be routinely performed and the resulting triggered lightning studied, in addition to the study of nearby natural lightning (an average of 5 to 6 natural lightning strikes occur on the site each summer).
» www.lightning.ece.ufl.edu

The Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI) is a non-profit, non-partisan policy institute charged with educating Members of Congress on fire and life safety issues.
» www.cfsi.org

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) historical role has been to predict environmental changes, protect life and property, provide decision makers with reliable scientific information, and foster global environmental stewardship. Their goals and programs today reflect a commitment to these basic responsibilities in the service of their customers and the Nation. Over the past 25 years, technology and scientific insights have allowed the U.S. to make important strides in understanding and predicting the behavior of natural systems, in managing resources more effectively, and in improving environmental quality. NOAA's sciences and services have been fundamental to these accomplishments.
» www.noaa.gov

NSSL The National Severe Storms Laboratory's Weather Room website provides general weather information for kids, parents, and teachers.
» www.nssl.noaa.gov/edu

New Mexico Tech - Langmuir Laboratory for Atmospheric Research With funds from the National Science Foundation, Langmuir Laboratory for Atmospheric Research was built in 1963 near the summit of 10,783-ft South Baldy Peak to provide a base of study for cloud processes that produce lightning, hail and rain.
» www.ee.nmt.edu/~langmuir

United States Precision Lightning Network The USPLN is a partnership of WSI Corporation, a global leader in state-of-the-art weather-driven business solutions, and TOA Systems, a preeminent manufacturer of integrated lightning detection and warning systems. Through the expertise of these organizations, the USPLN provides real-time lightning data and value-added services to the US Government, media, aviation, energy and consumer markets. Our USPLN value-added reseller partners serve a broad spectrum of customers with innovative products and services utilizing USPLN data
» http://www.uspln.com/


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